Rock, The Final Frontier...

 Wanted to say a big shoutout for everyone coming out to the shows as of late, even the comedy show. They've been off the hook! For those of you feeling slighted cause I've been a little hard to find, please don't feel bad, just been a busy few weeks. I'm co-producing/mixing/mastering a chakra CD a friend is doing, on top of that I am teaching, doing shows, band rehearsals, rehearsing for an upcoming musical (Cannibal the musical) here in Whitehorse that I'll be playing guitar, bass and banjo in. Add to that trying to sleep and eat and it means little time for anything else. Been finding time to still write and catch up on my MAD magazine fix. I'd love a day off one day to enjoy the beautiful sunny skies here in the Yukon but the nature of the business is it's either feast or famine... Hope you all are well and enjoying the nice weather. Spring is around the corner... Also, RIP to Mr Spock! May we all seek out new life and new ways of seeing the world we live in. Be good to each other!

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